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The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s story is one that has been 30 years in the making. A story of extraordinary people, discoveries, and steps towards achieving our ambitious and important vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.
For 30 years now, we’ve been inspired by the belief that, together, we can do extraordinary things. It’s this belief that’s driven support for breast cancer research which has created lasting, positive change.
Since inception in 1994, NBCF has invested $232 million into more than 642 world-class research projects. Over one million supporters have contributed to this investment, and in 30 years this funding has also helped support more than 1,800 researchers from over 90 institutes across Australia to ignite lasting change. In this time, the death rate from breast cancer in Australia has reduced by over 40%.
Research has been critical to driving this improvement in breast cancer outcomes, and the research funded has also influenced policy and practice both locally and internationally leading to a range of positive economic and social impacts.
“For 30 years, NBCF’s commitment to funding world-class breast cancer research has led to extraordinary discoveries. We want to ensure that a diagnosis of breast cancer doesn’t lead to a death and research is key to achieving this.”– Associate Professor Cleola Anderiesz, NBCF CEO
For 30 years, NBCF’s commitment to funding world-class breast cancer research has led to extraordinary donors helping us fund extraordinary researchers to make extraordinary discoveries.
Discoveries which have fundamentally transformed our understanding of breast cancer and changed how we treat and care for people with this disease. Discoveries which have helped reduce the death rate from breast cancer in Australia by 40% and will continue to benefit people who are living with breast cancer now and those who will be diagnosed in the future.
We would like to thank our supporter community and dedicated researchers.
It's only thanks to your support that we can move towards our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.
For the research
you've invested in.
For the lives
you've saved.
For the futures
you've changed.
For the Impact
you've helped
to shape with us.
With your ongoing support, NBCF is poised to deliver on its vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer. We know research is the solution, and we will not stop until we reach our vision and end deaths from breast cancer.